Fyldt okse mørbrad

Fyldt okse mørbrad, Opskrift, Alletiders, Kogebog
Antal: 4 Portioner

HovedretterRet : Hovedretter - Diverse Hovedretter

Hovedingrediens : Oksekød - Oksemørbrad Hel

Ukendt oprindelseslandIndsendt af : Mille

Indsendt :      Red :

300 g.oksemørbrad
30 g.onion (fried)
1.5 fatpressed garlic (fried)
100 g.butter
2-3 boiled cut up potatoes
2-3 tsp.vegetta
 The frying sauce
2 dl.sour cream
 Some sojasauce
 Some water

Heat the oven on 175 degrees.

Wash your hands and find your ingredients

Set water over in a saucepan the stove with the potatoes in.

Cut the onion and press the garlic.

Fry the onion and the garlic.

Cut open the mørbrad (down the middle the long way. only half way through) and clean it.

When the potatoes are ready poor out the water and cut the potatoes in to small rings/circle/pieces.

Put one layer of potato rings in the cut of the mørbrad and then a layer of the mixture of onion and garlic. (Continue with that until there is no more potato, onion and garlic.

When finished take the string and wrap it around the meat so that the filling wont fall out and also take the tooth picks and stick them trough the meat.

When finished put it in the oven for 20 - 30 minutes.

While the meat is in the oven put some water into the frying pan and put some sour cream into it and let it heat up for a bit. When it's heated up get some sojasauce and put it into the mixture.

Present nicely on plates.

Clean up you area.



unskyld at den er på engelsk.

Opskriften er vist 33448 gange,
og udskrevet 153 gange.

Bedømmelse af denne opskrift:
4.8    (3 stemmer)
1 2 3 4 5        
       (1=dårligst, 5=bedst)

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  -   2008-02-07 10:22:17
i må rigtig meget undskylde at denne opskreft er på engelsk men jeg har lavet den på engelsk... jeg håber stadig rigtig meget at i alle kan lide den og at i kan lide MIN opskreft... jeg er meget stolt af mig selv fordi jeg kun er 12... håber i kan lide den igen...